
These posts were brought from earlier publishing environment as they were. So not very well organized. Posts before 2015 were unfortunately lost. By my own mistake during migration. Argh.


WebDev course starting soon, I'm excited! Should look in to Jekyll and GitHub Actions for a static site generator with all the bells and whistles.


Any feedback and ideas are more than welcome. Notes and some snippets are going to be put up here, other than that, go ahead please.


How about a simple darkmode tool that I picked up from Brad Taunt. No need for it here though, right?

<meta name="color-scheme" content="dark light">

To be used in <head> on your page.


New home at GitHub Pages. Work days, even weeks roll past so fast. School too is keeping me busy, got some catching up to do for the summer. Fun times to be had. And since we're here, I have to start building this page up to bar, see you soon!


Brand spanking new landing page.
Using the layout that was used in my early work in the 90's... A classic look.
Updates will be slow, but I'll get there.


Happy holidays loves, just a short breather.


Geez, school and work keeping me really busy. Front end at work and at school the CompSci stuff are starting before november. Going to be rough fit with all of these...
Should open some more time for math to really dive in to. In a lighter note, theres a convention coming up I'm attending. Some of it will be just for laying back, networking and purely for fun.


Huh, I am aiming to become an engineer. Much wow.


Holy shit. How can time pass so fast... More than a year later I'm back here.


Wadap. Again, updates are slow. Tough two years for all of us.


Well, plans dont always play out like you'd hope. School is going good, professional life in general is in good lift. Tech and tinkering has been a sideshow for a while. Haven't had the energy or the time to push my personal projects forward. Personal life is in a state of questions, towards myself and others. Keep yourself and others safe.


Front end stuff keeps me occupied. Frameworks are starting to open up too. Working on my final paper for the TKEAT. Personal life has seen some major changes too, new address to share with a special someone. Tech in a freetime pleasure hasnt happened... Pokemon GO is fun tho :O


Phew, what a year. Lots has happened professionally and personally. h2c studies didnt pan out. Still doing those openUni front end courses, also the product manager program.
Take care, mask the f up. All the best for 2021!


The wave of social engineering hacks that happened on Twitter, woah and wow. Really bad.

Python and Front end still in the works. No school admittance, so I continue my work with open courses for the uni. Went full Apple during the spring and summer, We'll have to see how long this fares...


Blergh, ex-landlord keeps giving me bad news after bad news. Stressed about such a mundane thing.
Not really coding per say, but got my feet wet real well with html-frameworks. This still looks like a work in erm, pieces. Once I feel comfortable with html and css, js will come.

About tech, since that the thing I mostly write here about: Olympus Tough TG-Tracker going rounds now, love the quality of high speed video. Still something I haven't been able to capture with DSLR. And from DSLR's, the Nikon 7xxxx series looks really good to my eye, the old Canon 500D is ready to retire. All in all, this social distancing and all has given me more time to focus. Stay safe and healthy. Love ya. Oh, and gotta say I love the Tom of Finland sheets I got...


Shit is fucked. Stay safe and keep learning.


Wow, the eldest turns 7 tomorrow. Unbelievable. macOS Catalina is getting a go now, first mac in years in general. The i7 laptop still rocks as my main rig, no problems whatsoever after the fan replacement. Video editing, photo manipulation, 3D rendering or gaming, no hiccups. High temps though, something to maybe take as a concern regarding the silicons aging/life expectancy. FinalMouse 2012 still rocks!


Again in 900 years.


Test sites up and running, finally. Fullstack courses ongoing for hUNI.


Woah, time really flies. Guess it's the getting older thing they keep talking about. Anyhooooow, two "major" projects going on, frontend both of em. Got a laptop with i7-8750h, huge compute, much power (consumption too...). Happy New Year ;)


Ooops, kinda forgot the updates.


Thriller filler.




Woop woop, international Arduino day on 16th. Getting some fancy stuff done with proper thinker. OpenSCAD is THE tool, really cool for modeling and just tinkering around with 3d space. Luv it.


What is up. Hacklab project on the go. Programming for now on hold... Arduino and rpi stuff is still on the table too, would love to have time to finish those too. Also ran to .projekkkt after many many years. As a total side note: The book "Idiots around me" made me realize and somewhat accept my own way to ingest new things.


End of the year, didnt reach my goal for the year, time and schedules just wouldnt stretch... More to do for 2019. Happy new year!


Busy busy busy. Actually the whole js thing has been on hold. Getting back at it asap. Still reading up on the basics. Would love to get some new hardware btw :o


Trying to get it all fit in. Javascript is giving me a headache...


Hmm, dont know exactly where to start. But got plans to work on my skills in different areas of computing. The latest updates (2016-2017) got lost in old servers malfunctioned harddrive. I'll get it going from here... aiming to get updates in here weekly.


Here we go again.


Filler also. Absent.




Hmm, kinda torn here. I have a choice to make, turning my webhosting to another service and FreeNAS my ass here at home, or keep going as it is. And maybe expand the capacity. I'm leaning on FreeNAS, simply because simplicity and the so called plug-and-playability of it. Maybe some testing on a netbook just for the luls? The webpage would still look and feel just as crap as before, it would simply be hosted by professionals. Should be easy call to make, but I do like to tinker with stuff way too much to give all control away, even if its only hardware side. Mhm, wait and see I guess.


((old pic, edited out) testing)


Long time no update. The boys keep growing, havent had the time to tinker with anything lately. Some comp management and software troubleshooting. Got my eyes on a Surface Pro for testing but no word yet. Still working on those pictures... maybe some day.


Not much going on, we had our second son a week ago. No time. lol


Everything went better than expected.


Quite satisfied with win10 preview, only thing I'm still fighting with is the naming policy between ms-accounts and linux / *nix platforms. Summers here too now, some backyard flying and tuning in, still waiting for a proper day to make a whole day full of flying :) Got a couple of new guys to the hobby, so lots of stuff to go through. There might a long delay (as if theres hasnt been ones already...) on the site update, got some OS based problems to solve before next update (those crossplatform problems to be exact).


Guess what, weather's still shit... Some new stuff to work with once again, laptops and some wireless controllers to fix. Mostly basic soldering. On pc-hardware side, theres hasnt been much going on, my workhorse is still running at 4,2Ghz with 16Gb of 1866 clocked memory. 750ti got its stable clocks at 125 / 200, and the temperatures all around the case are around 40 celsius max. Should free up more time to get it to higher clocks.


Got a i5 4690k to fumble with, not sure about its overclocking perfomance yet. Havent had the time to run it thoroughly. Some motherboards and memkits too, still DDR3 gen stuff. Still no able-to-fly weathers here, got some new batteries for longer sessions. I now have a backroom overclocking project, with E8300 and E8400 rocks.


Phew, busy couple of weeks, got some new toys to play with; Mostly pc hardware. Waiting for the upgrade package to my daily rig, finally bowing to Intel. Still no good enough weather to fly properly or with time.


Got fucked, homeserver data migration didnt go as planned... surprise surprise. Didnt have everything backed up so we're rolling back a bit.

08-04-2015 // from backups

RetroPi and some controllers are next on my scope. GTX750ti is back to default clocks, after a 4 days of stress testing it gave up. Maybe I was asking for too much... Unsoldered some r/c transmitter parts for a DEVO10 mod (Deviation), more receivers to work with just one transmitter.


Lots of soldering work done on the r/c-stuff, getting ready for summer! On pc side I managed to get my GTX750ti overclock more than 120Mhz with the stock cooler and run stable, good one in my books. The family car got exchanged too, now driving a Peugeot 508 sw. No brand loyalty here.


More stuff arrived today, some for RPi2 setups. There were some general tools too, breadboard with plugins, third hands and cables. I need to retake that ASCII picture at the bottom, too much black
(unneccessary) lining atm.


Minor website updates, bringing CSS back. RPi2 temperature went downhill a lot, after installing heatsinks and the modified case. Also, I'm tempted to bring pictures here, we'll see.


Rpi2 setup was a success, after I noticed the nosound effect was caused by the tv I used. Theres more than enough processing power in that card, for any livingroom use. (wohoo for quakelive streams!) Picking up the lead on python once again...


Raspberry Pi 2 arrived! Dwelling into python with it... We'll see how it goes. Not sure if it actually needs those heatsinks?


Finally got my order in for Raspberry Pi 2, the wait has begun... For whole family entertainment use ofcourse, in some point it could be a great learning platform for my son. Maybe. Oh, and I resisted the urge, didnt order The Infinity keyboard!


Suffered my first back injury for the year, been too long ( a month ) without proper training and thats the outcome. A good reminder when you let the yourself slip from training. Stuff I've been working on in my freetime got pushed back a bit.


Tablet got rooted and all good, wish they'd make better decisions regarding bloatware... So much work just to get it clean for just basic use. My own workstation at home got some ergonomical upgrades, we'll see if these changes will relieve some joint pain from my wrists.


Got my hands on Samsung SM-T535 tablet, trying to work out root privileges on it. Found out one could run VirtualPCs on it. Could prove to be useful. Also noticed Infinity keyboard groupbuy, so tempted...


Motherf*****, html... Long time no see with html in general and I'm soooooo out. Propably better sticking to this layout for now.


Minor adjustments to the server settings. Considering Teensy as the main candidate for my diy-keyboard project, meanwhile trying to adjust to my current 60% keyboard...


Transition to newer hardware and nginx complete.